Gift wrapping

At the moment we are unfortunately not able to offer gift wrapping.

Gift wrapping is available as an option when you checkout your order. If you want your products to be gift wrapped, choose "gift wrapped" in the order process. When you choose gift wrapping, the selected product/products are wrapped in paper or put in a small gift box, depending on the shape and size of the product.

We do not put an invoice in the box if it is wrapped as a gift (you can always find it online under "My Account").

If you choose to send several wrapped items to your own address we put on detachable color stickers that mark the contents of each wrapped gift. This way you will know what's inside each present without opening it.
If the gift is sent directly to someone else, we do not mark the presents.

When selecting Gift Wrapping during checkout, a card with a personalized message can also be added.

The products are sent in a neatly padded box with silk paper (it is included in the shipping cost), even if you do not choose gift wrapping!

Regalos de GivensaRegalo de Givensa 



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