Posts Written OnNovember 2015

Christmas gift ideas – Mugs with faces from Tassen

Christmas is approaching fast and the search for the perfect christmas gifts is starting. Fortunately at Givensa we have just re-filled the stock with the latest news from Tassen. 58 Products (the studio behind Tassen) has just launched a new series of mugs with faces. The new model is in XL format, perfect for an extra large cup of coffee or tea now when the dark time of the year is here. The new XL mugs are currently available in two models, Impish and Grumpy. We are sure they will be a great success so don’t be surprised if we will…

The best iPhone stand – A Givensa review

Sometimes the solution to a problem is much closer than you expect it to be. Last week our web designer replaced her old iPhone 4s that was literally falling apart, with a more recent iPhone 6. As always when you spend money on something new you are extra careful and she was really concerned about getting the screen scratched when the phone was laying on the table in the office. For some reason that is very hard to explain, except for maybe that we are all really stressed out by the Christmas season coming up, it took almost two days until someone…