Posts Written OnFebruary 2015

Silicone oven mitts – A Givensa review

Sometimes it takes a long time only to discover that the solution you were looking for were there all along šŸ™‚ Over the last weeks we have been testing something as ordinary as pot holders (or oven mitts if you prefer). We all have them at home, some old some new, some thick and clean but many thin are stained with marks from years of cooking. They serve their purpose more or less but when you need to grab that scolding hot pan from the stove or even move a hot cup of coffee the heat always slips through and…

Last minute Valentines Day Gifts

Still looking for that perfect valentines gift? Do not despair, there is still time so lets not waste precious minutes but let’s get going with our best ideas for last minute Valentines presents. Wheat warmer animals No one is ever too old to have a warm furry friend around when the wind is blowing cold outside or when we are suffering a nasty cold. These cute teddy bears comes in various shapes and are excellent Valentines gifts for both children and adults. Charlamos Whether you just met your partner a couple of months ago or just celebrated your diamond anniversary…