Blog about Givensa
Do you have a blog or popular Facebook page and want to write something about Givensa or one of our products? Great, we are always happy to discuss collaborations. Below you can find some suggestions on how we can help but do not hesitate to contact us if you have other ideas and suggestions.
1. Recommend or write about product you like
You are free to use our pictures, movies and descriptions about a product as long as you link to it. This is a simple and fast way to start a collaboration with us.
2. Review a product
If you want to test and review a product that we are selling we are happy to provide a sample. We do not interfere with your opinion or what you write but it is important that the post is of high quality. Since sending samples has a cost for us we have some requirements on how popular your blog has to be but we also make exceptions for smaller blogs that we personally like.
3. Arrange a raffle or contest
We receive a lot of questions about providing prices for blog contests. We are happy to help with prices but just like with product reviews, your blog needs to have a certain level of popularity and also fall into a category that fits with ours.
Do you think this sounds interesting and want to propose an idea to us? Then send an email to and don't forget to tell us where we can find your blog, how you would like to collaborate with Givensa and anything else that might be interesting for us to know.